Witch/Pagan Resources: Banner Exchange
Witch/Pagan Resources: Banner Exchange


Base or Root Chakra - Located at the coccyx bone or base of the spine. The color associated with this Chakra is red. It rules the physical body, manifestation and the ability to ground the energy field. It is the root of your individuality, stability and point of inner stillness. The way you function in the physical world depends on the state of this Chakra.

Sacral or Spleen Chakra - Located below the naval. Considered a center of power and balance in martial arts. The color associated with this Chakra is orange. It rules the emotions, assimilation and sexual energy. It is the center of femininity and balance, as well as, the center of desire. Your "gut" feelings and emotions to the world are ruled by the state of this Chakra.

Solar Plexis Chakra - Located in the upper stomach just below the sternum. The color associated with the Chakra is yellow. It rules the mental and intellectual aspects of the energy field. It is the center source of your personal power and can help guide you towards self-mastery.

Heart Chakra - Located in the center of the chest in line with the physical heart. The color associated with this Chakra is green. It is the halfway point in the Chakra system and represents the point of balance and the gateway between the physical and non-physical worlds. Through compassion and absolute love it is possible to access spiritual vibrations on the Earthly plane.

Throat Chakra - Located in the neck over the larynx and thyroid gland. The color associated with this Chakra is mid-blue. It rules communication on many levels including speech, hearing Celestial and Earthly sounds, symbolism and telepathy. It also governs the ability to express your feelings and your creativity. It gives insight into the more spiritual realms of existence.

Brow or Third Eye Chakra - Located in the middle of the forehead just over the bridge of the nose. The color associated with this Chakra is indigo blue. It is the center of vision, intuition, imagination, and spiritual perception. It is said to be the final doorway before entering the oneness with the Universe. It is said to hold the records of all your past lives and flashes of distant memories may occur when activated. The terms dejavu' and "sixth-sense" are related to this Chakra.

Crown Chakra - Located at the top of the head or just above it. The color associated with this Chakra is violet, also said to resonate with white light which contains all colors of the spectrum. It is the Divine connection between both the physical and Celestial. It is the entry point for wisdom and inspiration. The center of spiritual growth, limitless possibilities and infinite opportunities.



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