Witch/Pagan Resources: Banner Exchange
Witch/Pagan Resources: Banner Exchange


Names for deities vary depending on your location around the world. Not only the names but also how one views or imagines them. For example, a young man may see the Goddess as a young, beautiful woman. A woman who is pregnant may see Her as a slightly older mother-type figure. An elderly woman may see the Goddess as herself being elderly. Each persons views are different, seeing Her in a different way but still She is one in the same. Names given to deities are truely a matter of your own personal preference. Each tradition has their own names for the Goddess and God, but you should use the names you feel comfortable with. Don't worry, the They won't get confused if you substitute a name for them, just use something you can relate to and feels right for you. Creation is so wide and varied that no one Goddess or God can give their total personal touch to everything at once. Witches are Pagans and see the divine everywhere. One God or Goddess is not right for everyone. The list of names given to deities is so long and vast it's too large to list here, but later in the Magickal Names section you will see many names that witches take for themselves from deity names.