English, Welsh & Anglo-Saxon



Alodie: Wealthy Arden: Eagle valley
Audrey: Strength to overcome Avic: Refuge in battle
Billie: Strong willed Bliss: Joy
Cody: A cushion Dawn: Break of day
Dove: The bird Eadwine: Valuable friend
Edris: Prosperous ruler Edwina: Valuable friend
Edyth/Edythe: Rich gift Ella: Elf, Beautiful fairy woman
Esme: Gracious protector Fancie: Imagination
Farra/Farrah: Beautiful, pleasant Fleta: Swift
Genna: White, fair Gwinevere/Gwen: White
Gwenora/Gwyneth: Fair Harley: From the long field
Hazel: Commanding authority Holly: Tree
Isolde/Isolt: Fair lady Jolene: She will increase
Kendra: Knowing woman Kimberlyn/Kimbra: From the royal fortress meadow
Leigh: From the meadow Lindsay/Lindsey: From the linden tree island
Lynn: A cascade Maida/Mayda: A maiden
Megan: Strong or able Merry: Happy
Pixie: Sprite Rae: Doe
Raven: Like the bird Rhiamon: Mythological-A Witch
Rhiannon: Mythical name Robin: Like the bird
Rowena: Famous friend Shandeigh/Shandy: Rambunctious
Shelby: From the ledge estate Skye: Sky
Skylar: Sheltering Sorcha: Bright
Storm: Stormy Summer: Summertime
Velvet: Velvety Vivien: Full of life
Willa: The desired Wilona: Wished for
Winter: Wintertime Yetta: To give


Aethelwine: Noble friend Aethwulf: Noble wolf
Aiken: Oaken Ainsley: From the near meadow
Alcott: From the old cottage Alden/Aldin/Aldis: Old friend
Aldrich: Old wise ruler Aldwyn: Protector
Alfred: Elf counselor Allard: Noble and brave
Archer: Bowman Aylwyn: Old friend
Baron: Nobleman Baxter: Baker
Berwyn: Bright friend Blake: Fair haired
Borden: From the valley of the bear Brad: Broad
Bradley: From the broad meadow Bramwell: Fierce willed
Bran: Raven Brand: Fiery
Burton: From the castle Calder: Stream
Caldwell: Dweller by the cold spring Calvert: Herdsman
Chad: Warlike Chapman: Merchant
Colby: From the black farm Collier: Miner
Cutler: Knifemaker Darnell: From the hidden place
Draigh: Dragon Eadgar: Fortunate spearman
Eadmund: Rich protector Elden: Protector
Elwin: Friend of the elves Emlyn: Winning
Falkner: Falcon master Garland: From the battlefield
Garrett: With a mighty spear Garrick: Oak spear
Garrnet: Armed with a spear Garwin: Comrade in battle
Gladwin: Cheerful Hereward: Army guard
Kenway: Bold in battle Kingsley: From the king's meadow
Leland: Meadowland Lowell: Beloved
Mabon: Son Maddison: Son of the powerful soldier
Merlin: Falcon Merlin Emrys: Wonderful youth
Merrick: Ruler of the sea Perry: Rock
Ramsay: Raven's island Rand: Shield warrior
Regenbeald: Rainbow Sawyer: Woodsman
Shepard: Sheep watcher Sherwood: Of the bright forest
Tyler: Tile maker Wade: From the river crossing
Waite: Guard Ward: Guardian
Winston: From the friendly town Yates: Dweller at the gates