Latin Names


Adora: Beloved Adrienne: Dark, Rich
Allegra: Lively Amabel: Loveable
Amanda: Deserving of great love Andreanna: Womanly
April: Opening Ardella: Warmth
Aurora: Golden Austin: Majestic
Autumn: Fall Belinda: Beautiful serpent
Bellona: Goddess of war Cerelia: Goddess of the harvest
Chantal: Song Diana: Goddess of the hunt
Emily: Hrd working Faline: Catlike
Fawna: Young deer Felicity: Happiness
Flora: Goddess of flowers Gemma: Jewel
Ginger: The spice Grace: Charm
Hilary: Full of cheer Ivory: Made of ivory
Julia/Juliet: Youthful Justine: Just
Laura/Laureen/Laurel: Honor Leandra: Lioness
Lelia: Lily Lena: Temptress
Leola/Leona: Lion Lorelle: Little
Lucina: Goddess of childbirth Lucretia: Riches
Luna: Moon Maia: Goddess of spring time
Maris/Meris: Of the sea Melena: Canary yellow color
Merle/Merrly: Blackbird Miranda: Admirable
Monica: Counselor Natalie: Born at Yule
Nydia: From the nest Riana: Golden
Risa: Laughter Sabina: Sabine woman
Sabrina: From the boundary line Season: Sowing, planting
Selena: Salt Sybil: Prophetess
Terra: Goddess of the Earth Tessa: Essence
Valene/Valora: Strong Valentine: Healthy
Venus: Goddess of love Vesta: Goddess of the hearth


Adrian: Seacoast Alban: Pure heart
Ardan/Adren: Fiery Austin: Great usefulness
Bard: Bearded Blase: Stammerer
Calvin: Bald Cash: Vain
Clark: Scholarly Corbett/Corbin/Corvin: Raven
Cornelius: Horn colored Dexter: Dexterous
Drake: Dragon Emlyn: Charming
Felix: Properous Forrest: Woodsman
Griffin: Mythical beast Jarl/Jarlen: Man of control
Magnus: Great Maxim: Most excellent
Myer: Great Paine: Country peasant
Paxton: Nobleman Remus: Mythical founderof Rome
Rex: King Ross: Rose
Sebastian: Majestic Selvanus: the forest God
Sylvester: Woods Torin: Tender
Ursa: Bear Vassily: Magnificent