Witch/Pagan Resources: Banner Exchange
Witch/Pagan Resources: Banner Exchange


Many witches prefer to make their own tools using materials they have hand picked for themselves, others simply purchase them. All tools after being made or bought, are ritually cleansed and purified before use to remove any negative vibrations. They are then personally charged and consecrated. Use of tools are purely your own personal choice, as with everything in this religion, do what you are comfortable with. Many traditions use several or just one of the tools listed below. Solitary witches, or those not in Covens, may even work without any tools at all. Some of the tools used by witches are the following...

The Knife or Athame' - Used during magick to create the circle. It's gender is male and associated with the God.

The Sword - Used for the same purpose as the Knife, but usually used outdoors.

The Wand - Used in place of the Knife or Sword, again, a personal choice.

The Staff - Used in place of the Knife, Sword, or Wand.

Broom - Well it's no different then what you use yours! We use a broom to cleanse our circle before doing any Magick. What did ya think we did with 'em? Ride 'em over the moon? Well they were once ridden but not like you think. They were once ridden in crop fields to promote a good crop year.

Bell - Used during magick to create vibrations that can in many ways suplement the power raised and also create harmony among members present.

The Goblet - The primary symbol of the Goddess. It's gender is female. It represents the womb. It's complimented by the Athame'.

The Censer or Incense Burner - The censer is associated with the element of Air. The gender is male. The smoke from the censer carries our thoughts, prayers and love to the Goddess and God.

The Pentacle or Pentagram - The pentacle is of female gender and represents the Earth.

Goddess and God statues.

Candles - Used to decorate the altar, Representing the element of Fire. Various colors are used depending on the ritual.

Water and Salt Dishes - The water dish is used to hold water, who's gender is female, again representing the womb. During rituals, the salt is added to the water symbolizing the essence of creation....sperm (salt) joining with the womb.

Hmm..for those of you who aren't Pagan, you may notice alot of similarities in these tools used at your own place of worship, I wonder where the ideas came from, since paganism has been recorded to have been present long before organized religions such as Catholic. Just a thought for you to ponder. ~S~